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Artisan Wood Fired Pottery: From Creation to Completion (Part 2)

Artisan Wood Fired Pottery: From Creation to Completion (Part 2)

 Artisan Wood Fired Pottery: From Creation to Completion (Part 1)
Current: Artisan Wood Fired Pottery: From Creation to Completion (Part 2)
Artisan Wood Fired Pottery: From Creation to Completion (Part 3)

Awakening the Clay: A Crucial Step in the Process of Making Handmade Wood Fired Pottery

After the clay has been dug up, the next step is the awakening process. This involves allowing the clay to sit outside for up to 20 consecutive sunny days. The time spent awakening the clay has a direct impact on its elasticity and texture, which are important qualities to consider when making handmade pottery.

By carefully controlling the time spent awakening the clay, potters can ensure that they are working with a material that is optimal for shaping and forming into the desired shapes. This is a crucial step in the pottery-making process, as the properties of the clay can have a significant impact on the final appearance and functionality of the finished pieces.


(Sifted clay powder.)

(Awakening the clay.)

The Importance of Firewood in the Process of Making Wood Fired Planters

While waiting for the clay to be ready for shaping and forming, it's a good idea to hand-pick and split firewood. As the name suggests, firewood is a key element in the process of making wood-fired planters.

High quality cypress firewood is often used in wood-fired crafts, due to its high percentage of tree oil content. This helps to raise the fire temperature and create an after-burn ash that forms a stunningly beautiful natural ash glaze on the surface of the planter.

In the kilning process, the firewood is used to fuel the high temperatures needed to create the unique glaze on the surface of the planters. By carefully selecting the right type of firewood, potters can ensure that they are able to achieve the desired results in their wood-fired crafts.

(To be continued...)

(Forming awakened clay into piles.)

(Preparing wood for firing.)

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